A Deliberate Insult to Jewish History and Israel?
Who controls Barack Obama? Who writes the script that enslaves his eyes as they constantly move right and left in search of his Teleprompters? In conjunction with the second matrix on this page, I have discussed elsewhere on my site under Vatican Rule that Rome appears to be calling the shots. But what of his Israeli Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel? Does he still maintain any loyalty to or love of his native country? If the photo with the top matrix is not the result of a party crasher, but was planned, the answer seems to be that Rahm Emanuel despises the Jewish State. Hanukkah celebrates the rededication of the Second Temple in Jerusalem in 168 B.C.E. It had been defiled with idols by the Greeks, who outlawed circumcision for Jewish baby boys (required by Jewish Law) and who raped Jewish women before they could be married. But Rome was far worse, crucifying countless Jews, destroying the Temple, and driving Jews into exile for almost 2,000 years.
On the top matrix, RAHM EMANUEL, at the minimum skip (ELS) of his name, the best case scenario, appears encoded with OBAMA
The Roman Empire, represented by the Roman centurion next to Rahm Emanuel, was eventually replaced by the Roman Catholic Church, which brought on the Inquisition, and which signed a Concordat with Adolf Hitler on July 20, 1933 (and radified it on September 10, 1933). The current Pope wore the Nazi uniform during World War 2. So the meeting on the second matrix of VATICAN RULE with OBAMA in only 30 letters is noteworthy.
Israel would be well advised to set its foreign policy without direction from the Obama Administration. The top photo says it all. Rahm Emanuel has completely turned his back on Israel. U.S. Middle East policy is set in Rome.