The Code and common sense suggests that he had a role in this. Updated on 2/3/2018.
On Saturday, January 13, 2018 Hawaiians were blasted out of their beds with a warning that they were about to die courtesy of an inbound ballistic missile likely carrying a nuclear weapon. It took 13 minutes for the Government to figure out that it was a mistake (this time) but about 38 minutes before the public was informed. Surely Kim Jong-un was laughing his head off, but did he have one of his goons hack in to the warning system, or was this merely the result of an idiot who pushed the wrong button? On Figure 1 the axis term is one spelling for FALSE ALARM. Crossing it in the open text is the most descriptive reference that could be applied to the nutty dictator who recently had his half-brother (Kim Kong Nam) on February 13, 2017:
The voice of your brother's blood cries out to Me from the ground. (Genesis 4:10)
Overlapping this description of Kim Jong-Nam's murder is, at skip +1, the name KIM. Further, with respect to a false prediction, also crossing FALSE ALARM in the open text is. "But the prophet, which shall presume to speak a word in my name, which I have not commanded him to speak.....shall die." (Deuteronomy 18:20). Also on this matrix are SPY in the open text, HAWAII and PRESIDENT (open text).
In looking over Figure 1 I find two things to be true:
(1) The matrix suggests that Kim Jong-un played a role in the false alarm, however the words that suggest this were found a posteriori. By itself KIM is not very significant, even when found at skip +1 (something that occurs 80 times in Torah). It was found at skip +1 against odds of about 5.65 to 1. It's not his name that is so interesting. It's that while the name so quite common, this KIM is identified by the fact that he murdered his brother - but I didn't think about looking for this fact before I carried out the experiment which means that I can't include it in my calculation for odds. Ditto for the phrase But the prophet, which shall presume to speak a word in my name, which I have not commanded him to speak. While the false warning was not delivered by the command of the President, I didn't look for the phrase, I just noticed it in a posteriori.
(2) There may have been a spy involved. The word SPY (really, spies) is found in the open text against odds of about 59 to 1. So for KIM and SPY we have terms found against odds of about 333 to 1, but there is a lot that looks significant that I won't put on a spreadsheet, so I'll pass on presenting combined odds here and move on to Figure 2.
Figure 2 has as the axis term the same word for ALARM, but a different word for FALSE. As with Figure 1 the combined terms are 8 letters in length, which is what I most often find is the length of an axis term (the first term found for a matrix). When I look for a priori key words my first preference is for those found at skip +1 (generally open text) but the method of statistical evaluation also places emphasis on term at the other special case skips (the absolute skip of the axis term and skip -1). Figure 2 has several such terms. A transliteration of TRUMP is at the same skip as the axis term, but it runs in the opposite direction. His name was sought because while Kim Jong-un was certainly a threat before Trump assumed power, a major aspect of the ongoing crisis revolves around the odd relationship between both protagonists. Of late each has bragged about their nuclear buttons, and while it was not covered in the press much, we repositioned three B-2 bombers to Guam just before the false alarm. Therefore it is possible that what happened in Hawaii was revenge against Trump, who, very strangly, said nothing about the false alarm for a day after the event. Of special note is that HAWAII is on the matrix, and while it's not at special case skip, it shares the letter alef with TRUMP. Further, at the same skip as HAWAII and also sharing a letter (mem) with TRUMP is MIAGI, which is the last name of the Hawaiian official who took responsibility for the accident.
Figure 2
There are other a priori terms at special case skips +/- 1 on Figure 2. They include WAR in the open text and at skip -1 LAUNCH, ACCIDENT, and UN (as in Kim Jong-Un) however it is found in the word ACCIDENT. As was the case with Figure 1, Figure 2 has the name KIM in association with hatred of a brother. His name shares a letter qof with ”Your brother came with guile and took away your blessing,” (words uttered by Isaac about Jacob tricking him into giving Jacob Esau's blessing).
A little over a day after the false alarm incident, there are major questions that need answers. Clearly the Governor on Hawaii, and now president Trump, blames the incident on someone at Emergency Management in Hawaii for "pushing the wrong button" by accident. But while ACCIDENT is on the matrix at skip -1, one of Kim's names (UN) is at the center of the word, which might suggest that he played a role in designing the accident as a response to the new threat of B-2 bombers that are now much closer to North Korea. WAR between North Korea and the United States seems to be inevitable. It might be that the U.S. has the ability to shoot down a North Korean missile while just lifting of from the launch pad. That the word LAUNCH is at skip -1 at the start of the matrix hint at a possibility that this is, in fact, what happened. I watched a Falcon 9 rocket launch from in front of my home in Cape Canaveral on Sunday, January 7, 2018. About 7 or 8 minutes later I also watched the spectacular landing of the rocket's first stage and, despite knowing that it was coming, was still shocked over how loud the double sonic boom was about 2 seconds after the landing. The payload, a secret Zuma mission by Northrup Grumman, allegedly failed to enter orbit correctly, supposedly falling back to Earth after about an orbit and a half, but that's not certain. Perhaps the mission served as stimulus for North Korean monkey business in Hawaii. I will have to study this matrix more. As is shown on the spreadsheet below, combined odds against it now appear to be about 458,224 to 1. Don't be surprised if I continue to find and add terms (MIAGI was added after I thought I was finished with the article). It is this sort of article that reinforces my belief that the military should combine CodeFinder software capabilities with AI in order to ensure that a fuller picture of what the Author wants us to know is obtained.
OPPOSING CONCEPTS UNDER STUDY HERE. There have been some people who have speculated that our president was behind the false alarm, especially because he took so long to say anything about it, and even then only in a somewhat indirect manner. TRUMP is the most significant term on the matrix, but I doubt that he was behind the warning. Too many people would have to have been involved, and it's almost certain that somebody would have leaked the plot. Before considering the ELS rank of the axis term, TRUMP was found at a special case skip against odds of about 207 to 1.
The next most significant term was LAUNCH. Here the question is, "Was anything actually launched?" We would like have seen it from orbit right away, but what about the Japanese or South Koreans? Maybe they wouldn't know if we destroyed it fast enough, but if it got high enough - what then? It would be seen, but if we destroyed it the South Koreans might not say anything because they don't want to mess up the Olympics which are due to begin in South Korea on February 9, 2018. For both the South Koreans and the Japanese they know that if they announce a launch that we shot down, the odds of war go up and they are the first targets likely to be hit in a war. So, perhaps they'd keep quiet. LAUNCH was found at a special case skip against odds of about 52 to 1. It was found at a special case skip against odds of about 52 to 1. ACCIDENT was found at a special case skip against odds of about 13 to 1, and yet this is what we are told to believe was behind the incident. WAR was seen in the open text against odds of about 6 to 1. The other terms shown were not statistically significant. HAWAII had over a 98% chance to be somewhere on the matrix at a non special case skip, however it shared a letter with TRUMP. But it is weird that MIAGI is at the same skip as HAWAII and that the name of this official shares a letter with TRUMP. MIAGI appeared on the matrix against odds of about 4.6 to 1, but this allows no value for its positioning.
One last word about Hawaiian civilians involved with defense matters. I wrote the Coast Guard District Fourteen (Hawaii) Contingency Operations Plan (OPLAN 9840 back in 2005 if my memory is correct). I was called from Coast Guard Pacific Area in Alameda, California to write it because the Hawaiian planner was unable to. He wasn't hired for his writing skills. He was hired because he got extra points on his application for being handicapped. I can't imagine how a message as specific as that broadcast could have been sent out by pushing a button by accident. Certainly I never saw such a button in any operations center that I've worked in, or in any military exercise. While Vern Miagi took responsibility for the accident, it appears that it was as the supervisor of the person who made the misake. That person was transfered to another job.
Frankly, I think there was some monkey business involved here, and that Kim was behind it. However, we need to know the name of the person who pushed the button rather than just the name of that person's supervisor, even if the supervisor was encoded here. Sometimes what isn't said is as important as what was said. What did North Korea do after the incident? There is no indication that North Korea reacted after the Hawaii Emergency Management Agency mistakenly sent an alert Saturday warning of an imminent ballistic missile strike against the islands, U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said Monday. Perhaps that's because they did not want to raise suspicions about one of the agents. Because the person behind the transmission could easily have caused fatal heart attacks or car crashes, the person should (at a minimum) have been fired - not transferred.
UPDATE NOTE ON FEBRUARY 3, 2018: Consistent with the possibility that the man who sent out the false alarm was working with or for North Korea, he is reported to be NOT cooperating with State and Federal authorities investigation this incident.