There are threats greater than those that most of us worry about. This article was updated on 1/17/2019 with an improved Figure 8 and expanded discussion about Richard Robson.
Back in 2015 I published an article entitled AMERICA FALLEN: WHO IS BEHIND ITS DEMISE? In view of the constant Democrat calls to impeach President Trump, this article will use the same axis term (AMERICA IS FALLEN) and compare threats between two types of aliens - those from UFOs and those from south of our border who are being used by Democrats that want another excuse to try to impeach the President. ET-rated terms include ALIENS at skip +1, THE SKIES, at the absolute skip of the axis term, NEPHILIM at skip +1, and UFO. Terms related to illegal immigrants include WALL, IMPEACHMENT at skip +1, NATIONAL, EMERGENCY, ARMY at skip +1, WAR, plus, of course, the appearance of ALIENS already mentioned.
Figure 1 above and its probabiliy spreadsheets plus Figure 2 below.
STATISTICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF THE MATRIX SEGMENTS. As per my standard protocol, no statistical significance is assigned to the axis term, here the only ELS found for AMERICA FALLEN in wrapped Torah. The most significant a priori term on both matrix segments was ALIENS which was found at skip +1 on the 432-letter ET segment against odds of about 353 to 1 and on the 1,254 impeachment-related segment against odds of about 122 to 1. On the ET segment tied for the most meaningful a priori term is NEPHILIM. The word means THE FALLEN and the open text term oddly crosses THE FALLEN on the 432-letter segment against odds of about 353 to 1. Without considering conflicting letters, odds against it being in 70 letters with AMERICA FALLEN are about 2,177 to 1.
The primary justification for publishing the larger matrix segment is to show the word IMPEACHMENT at skip +1. It is found against odds of about 81.5 to 1. While that's significant it's much less so than NEPHILIM who are first mentioned in chapter 6 of the Book of Genesis. These creatures are widely suspected of being aliens. Let's look at a translation (from the English Standard Version Anglicised) of the critical verses in Genesis 6:2 to 6:4:
6 When man began to multiply on the face of the land and daughters were born to them, 2 the sons of God saw that the daughters of man were attractive. And they took as their wives any they chose. 3 Then the Lord said, “My Spirit shall not abide in[a] man for ever, for he is flesh: his days shall be 120 years.” 4 The Nephilim[b] were on the earth in those days, and also afterwards, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of man and they bore children to them. These were the mighty men who were of old, the men of renown.
a. Genesis 6:3: Or My Spirit shall not contend with
b. Genesis 6:4: Or giants
I have an acquaintance who actually claimed to see one of these Nephilim is modern times and in a position that may have cost him his job (see Figure 2 for a drawing of what he claimed to see). I don't believe everything he says, but I have certainly confirmed that was what he claimed to be, a ground test astronaut for the space shuttle fleet. His career was demolished for running his mouth about UFOs. I speak of Clark McClelland and I have an old, on-going article about my interviews of him here. Clark's website is here.
Returning to statistics, on the ET-related segment UFO is at a special case skip (+/- 1 or the absolute skip of the axis term) against odds of about 5.2 to 1, and THE HEAVENS is at a special case skip against odds of about 8.9 to 1. Overall the 432-letter ET-related section was found against odds of about 5,802,654 to 1. From the spreadsheet it can be seen that this is much more significant than the 1,254-letter impeachment-related segment which was found against odds of about 190,454 to 1. Now, it may be argued that we can all watch human aliens try to penetrate our borders at Tijuana and other places on the Mexican border, but how many have seen UFO's in general and possibly extra-terrestrial aliens? Of course millions of people have seen UFOs (myself included on my 10th birthday - 61 years ago). I have also interviewed many people who claim to have been abducted. Some of them will be discussed later in this article. Still, when we move from discussing threats by human aliens to extraterrestrial aliens, we move from an area where statistical implications are clear (even if debatable) to an area when HUMINT (human intelligence) is vital. There are two primary reasons that I believe in UFOs. The first is what I saw on my 10th birthday (I have never been drunk or stoned in my life). The second relates to a list of international scientists that I was given. These people allegedly back-engineered what was recovered at Roswell in 1947 and later. The story of the list is still available to the public on this site under UFO Disclosure - the Roffman Family Secret Revealed. If it ever disappears it's because Uncle Sam took it down with or without my permission. The list is particularly important because it reveals that at the height of the Cold War in March, 1960, the U.S. and its allies were working with the U.S.S.R. and Poland when it came to nondestructive testing/back-engineering of UFO wreckage.
Ah, you say, you see the Soviets who were present at the Third International Conference of Nondestructive Testing in Tokyo and Osaka, Japan were Professor Dr. Mikhael N. Mikheev (Director of the Physics Metal Institute in Moscow); Pavel G. Mikhnevevitch (Engineer, All-Union Material Institute in Moscow), and Dr. Alexander D. Ivanov (Engineer, Radio Research Institute, Leningrad). From Poland there was Professor Ignacy Malecki (Director, Institute of Basic Technical Problems, Polish Academy of Sciences). And my father's brother (my source) was there. But there is nothing about UFOs in the document. Of course, the document would have been highly classified if that was put into print. Here is where the HUMINT comes into play. I grew up on the same street with my uncle. The document was given to me when he was practically on his death bed at the age of 92. Even then, in giving it to me during a summation of his life, his words were cautiously spoken as though he knew that what I received was extremely dangerous. But he was doing more than just giving me knowledge. He was asking me to pursue the full story, including the threats that were involved. This page is being read by U.S. Intel as I write it. While they can be intimidating, I have no problem with offering them my help when I can. This article contains no classified information but it does contain information that it would be wise to consider when evaluating relative threats. In that vein, the Torah Code is a useful tool. So are stories like those that I will point to briefly below. But in the end, as is often the case with intelligence work, the agencies involved must make a judgment based on the information obtained, which is surely far from all the information out there. If believed, how the information will be used depends entirely upon the nature of the decision maker/s and the politics involved. I have received one threat from my primary target audience back in August, 2016, but I have also offered to work for them if conditions are right, i.e., I'm returned to active duty at a minimum rank of O5 or a maximum rank of O6 in the Navy or Coast Guard. I held commissions on both services before before, and I wrote war plans for both until I retired at the age of 60.
December 24, 1997 was a night that was a huge stimulus for my UFO and Mars research. It was Christmas Eve. My family is Jewish. I was 50. Jews don't celebrate Christmas, but we do get together then. The night is known to us as Nittel Nacht. We are generally prohibited from studying Talmud, or having sex. But a lot of us eat (hopefully kosher) Chinese food then.
That evening our family had a large reunion at my Uncle Eugene’s condo. It’s possible that I might have been near Stan Gross at earlier family gatherings, but I was never introduced to him before. My uncle told me that Stan worked at the Kennedy Space Center where he played a key role in deciding when astronauts would be sent up. As is shown on Figure 3, Stan coordinated the checkout of the Lunar Rover for Apollo 15. Uncle Eugene was my father’s brother. Stan was my uncle's wife’s nephew.
Both of my sons were there that night. At the time, my older son was a 20-year old Air Force ROTC cadet and geophysics major at M.I.T. He was slated to report to U.S. Space Command at Vandenberg Air Force Base upon graduation. My highest hope was that he would become an astronaut, and eventually reach Mars where his geophysics background would really pay off. My younger son, David, was only 4, though a very bright 4. He had started to speak sentences at the age of 3 months. Later he would earn his B.S. in Space Physics at the age of 18, his Master's in physics at 20 and his PhD in physics at the age of 23 he has his PhD in solid state physics. He did his postdoc at Yale after that. David is my primary partner in Martian meteorology research. See
For most of my meeting with Stan in 1997 we were discussing how my older son could enter the astronaut program and what the career entailed. But before we left, at around 10:00 pm when Stan and I were in the kitchen I mentioned a book by Dr. Kevin D. Randall about Roswell that I had read a week before. I didn’t expect much of an answer, but I was wrong.
I asked him, “What do you think about Roswell?”
His answer was, “It happened.”
Shocked, I asked, “What do you mean it happened?
He just said, “It happened.”
Again, I asked, “Do mean to say that we captured a flying saucer near Roswell?
He shook his head, “Yes.”
I asked him, “How would you know?”
He said, “I saw it.”
“When,” I asked him?
“Where,” I asked.
“It’s too classified. I can’t tell you."
At this point I called my older son (who recently retired as a major in the Air Force Reserve) and a cousin into the kitchen, and then I asked Stan to repeat to them what he told me. If I didn’t do this they'd never believe that I was told such things. Stan complied, and repeated everything said above.
I continued the questions without a word being uttered by son son or by my cousin. Years later I still wonder if my cousin asked nothing because he already knew. I can’t remember the precise order of my questions, but overall they were as follows:
“Did you ever tell your wife?”
“No,” Stan said. “I didn’t want to upset her.”
“Why were you shown this thing?”
He said he had a need to know. I can’t remember his exact words on why he had a need to know, but the thrust of it seemed to be that if a UFO was in the area, a scheduled launch couldn't proceed. There would be an excuse made, maybe something like a downrange emergency landing area had bad weather, or winds were too strong aloft, or lightning was too close to the launch pad. Since he had a say in any launch, he had a need to know that UFOs were more than weather balloons.
I asked him if our contact with aliens was limited to the crash just outside of Roswell. Again, his answer was shocking.
“There’s an ongoing relationship between them and our Government.”
Here we came to the essential question of this article. I demanded to know, “Are they friendly or hostile?”
“You don’t know what your neighbor is thinking,” he said.
His answer reminded me of a former neighbor in Hypoluxo, Florida. The guy was a pervert and a crook. We caught him on our balcony trying to look in on my wife while she was dressing. We saw him going through garbage dumpsters looking for credit card receipts, likely to commit credit card fraud. When we near him, we would smile and say hello. Likewise he acted friendly. But my wife and I were asking the apartment management to evict him, while he was in fact burglarizing apartments and boats. Eventually he was caught stealing a boat motor, he was arrested and evicted. He never knew about our push to get rid of him, and we didn't know that he was a thief until the complex caught him. So this is how Stan viewed aliens.
I left my Uncle’s condo feeling like I had been slugged by a two by four. If all this stuff were put out by Joe the Bartender, I would have blown it off. But it was said by a man who had the responsibility to launch astronauts into space. For two weeks I couldn’t sleep well. Finally I decided to call my uncle about the incident.
“Uncle Eugene,” I asked, “Is Stan playing with a full deck?”
“Why do you ask?”
“Well, Stan said some pretty strange things,” I said.
“Oh,” Uncle Gene said, “Stan’s a great kidder.” I felt relief when I heard it. But to be sure of what I was hearing I asked my Uncle, “So you know what he said at your place?”
“No, what did he say?” I was asked. So I told him all of it. Now, as mentioned earlier, I grew up on the same street with my uncle. He was my favorite uncle, and I was in fact much closer to him than I was to my own father. I was 50 then, and when he died on September 11, 2008 I was 61. In all those years, I never heard him curse – except for when I told him what Stan had said. Then he told me, “You’re a G-d damned liar!”
But, of course, I had two witnesses, my son and my first cousin. I asked my uncle to call his son and ask him what he heard. He did, and my uncle called me back about 10 minutes later.
“Barry,” he said. "I want you to listen to me and listen real good. You heard nothing. And if you think you heard something you may wind up dead.” He hung up, and wouldn't talk to me for over two years after that. But immediately after the threatening call, I phoned my cousin.
“You heard what I heard,” I said to him.
“Yes I did,” my cousin said, "but I’m gonna forget that I heard it, and I think you should do the same." My cousin has always been a civilian. I have loved him like a brother all my life. He taught me how to ride a bike, how to play chess, and how to reach the Franklin Institute by bus and subway when I was ten years old. I always looked up to him because when we were young he knew more Hebrew than I did, he went to an Ivy League School, and he has a Masters degree in physics and a doctorate in management. When I wrote books, he would help edit them. When I needed math assistance for my Torah Codes or Mars research, he freely offered it. We both traveled great distances to be with each other for family events like bar mitzvahs, weddings or funerals. But I’m a military guy. And, as my Intelligence friends know, I don’t respond well to threats. I’m also ready to risk my life over important issues, and frankly, I don’t think anything could be more important than a UFO cover-up. So my response to the threat and to the advice to forget about it all was to start an in depth (and still ongoing) investigation.
Figure 3 - Record of Stan Gross's role at NASA.
Over the years I've interviewed many folks who claim to have been UFO abductees. Some of them are somewhat humorous. My favorite one involves a man who claimed to have sex with a female alien. Certainly we hear much more about females assaulted in this way which is truly intrusive, but the story (if true) offers an important picture of their full agenda and the motivation for it. Because the subject here is married, I won't provide his real name. Let's just call him "Stud Blanc."
Stud felt like he had been abducted, so he went to a MUFON meeting to find out about other people who suffered from similar feelings, or memories. As soon as he walked in two women approached him and asked him if he remembered them.
"No," he said. Where did we meet?
"Aboard a large mother ship," they claimed.
"Refresh my memory," he said. "What happened?""
"You really don't remember," they asked?
No," said. "What was I doing there?"
The women hesitated a moment, and then one of them volunteered the answer.
"We saw you on your back on an examination table. But you weren't being examined. There was a hybrid female alien on top of you. You were both having sex."
Stud paused a moment and then said, "Too bad that I don't remember any of it. But if she was trying to get pregnant the joke is on her."
"Why's that?" the second one asked.
Stud smirked, and told her, "Because I had a vasectomy years ago. I was shooting with blanks!"
Humor, aside, the most common accounts we hear about are of sexual interactions, often with human females being forcibly impregnated by surgical means with the human mother later being re-abducted to have her hybrid embryo surgically extracted. A typical abduction event is discussed by David M. Jacobs, PhD. Jacobs writes:
Abductions are complex series of events and procedures directed by the abductors to passive or controlled abductees. In a typical or common abductions, humans are taken out of their normal environment by aliens. The people are rendered passive and cannot resist. They are taken aboard a UFO, their clothes are removed and they are made to lie on a table. A series of physical, mental, and productive procedures are then administered to the subjects. People's physical bodies are probed and examined. Sperm is taken, eggs are harvested.
The aliens perform staring procedures during which they gaze into abductees' eyes at at distance of only an inch or two. These "mindscan" procedures appear to be neurological manipulations which give the aliens the ability to "enter into" peoples' minds.
After the table procedures, abductees report that they are sometimes taken into other rooms where they are required to have skin on skin contact with unusual looking babies. Abductees say that these babies seem to be crosses between humans and aliens. They call them "hybrids." Abductees also see hybrid toddlers, older youth, adolescents, and adults.
Sometimes abductees report that they are required to perform tasks, that they are "tested" in some way. They say that machines are brought in to examine them. They sometimes are required to have a form of sexual intercourse with other humans, and sometimes with adolescent and adult hybrids. They are returned to their normal environment and within seconds, they forget what has just happened to them.
The above description doesn't sound as scary as what was portrayed in the Alien movie series, but there is a distinct threat to our sovereignty, freedom and to our existence as a species. If they can wipe out major memories, by abducting our leaders they can alter national policies, effectively conquering us. The recent frightening and masively mocked performance by Pelosi and Schumer in response to President Trump's speech about shutting down part of our Government until funding for physical security at our borders was so robot-like that I wondered if their minds were controlled. That's being kind to Pelosi who has yet to illustrate really ever having a mind. While I am taking some political license here with this hyperbole, when I discuss my friend below, Commander C.B. Scott Jones, I am deadly serious.
SECOND WITNESS: COMMANDER/DR. C.B. SCOTT JONES, U.S. NAVY RETIRED: Scott is an extremely intelligent and gifted retired Navy commander who has had an incredible career in the Navy and in our Intelligence services. He was Special Assistant to Senator Claiborne Pell from January 1985 until March 1991. Retiring as a Commander in the U.S. Navy, approximately half of his thirty-year naval career was spent in intelligence service overseas and in the United States. In post-navy careers he has taught at the university level and worked in the private sector research and development community involved in U.S. government sponsored projects for the Defense Nuclear Agency, Defense Intelligence Agency, U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command, and other organizations.
Despite Scott's impeccable credentials, what he describes in writing as experiences over a lifetime of abductions has caused him great harm. When it comes to threat recognition the evil that has controlled part of his mind has left him unable to respond in a logical manner. Repeated abductions and communications have left him unable to remember what aliens look like and have done to him. Many times, he says, they have promised to restore his missing memories, yet they've never honored their word. Only now, as he is in his late 80s, does he suddenly realize that they have lied to him - this after years in which his sole purpose was to publicize his belief that these creatures are harmless so we should disarm. We have often argued about it. He wants all nuclear weapons gone, but if he ever gets his way it will be far easier for them to conquer us.
Scott does not work alone. Among his friends are Apollo Astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell; Commander Will Miller, US Navy (Ret.); Dr. Abe Krieger, 37 year Boeing executive; and Hon. Paul Hellyer, former Minister of Defense of Canada. This Treaty is posted in several languages with bios on Dr. Rosin is Consultant to the Treaty Project that is A Project of P.E.A.C.E. Inc., the Peace and Emergency Action Coalition for Earth, a 501-C-3 founded by Jones. I find it very alarming that a Minister of Defense of Canada could be convinced to disarm before an alien threat.
When I look at how the ETs have affected Scott, and I think back to some of the actions taken by the primary Intel readers who track every word that I put out, I am concerned - not so much for my own safety as I am for the nation. If ETs could take Scott as often as he claims, could they have taken over control of anyone in a sensitive position in the Fort that is on my site almost nonstop? When I volunteer to come back on active duty, if need be, to help them finish learning how to use the Torah Code for Intelligence purposes, am I reaching true Americans who are loyal to our Constitution, or people who have been compromised by an evil force - alien or otherwise (like Peter Strzok of the FBI)? The answer may be a mix. The Fort accesses my sites via an ever changing number of IP addresses that are easy to spot because of an ever present 6 before the first decimal or at the last digit of the IP address. They also appear to control my host. DoD in general uses another number at the same location in the IP address. Ditto for Level 3 Communications. The players at these institutions should look not only at what I write, but at how the other players handle Constitutional issues. Frequently I have found readers here with IP addresses that map to the Kremlin initially, but a deep look reveals that they are in fact people in our Intelligence services. There may be many double agents out there, not only with respect to U.S. - Russian interests, but also with respect to alien issues. Although in his mind Scott is a loyal (though liberal) American, the entire liberal agenda weakens our Defense posture, and has the potential to make us more subservient to an alien agenda.
Figure 4 - HOSTILE, ALIENS and UFO are encoded with the beings who helped God to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah with an assault from above. These two cities were wiped out because of homosexual practices (see Genesis 19:5, also - the word for sodomy comes from Sodom). HOMOSEXUAL is encoded at the skip of the axis term (ALIENS). HOMO also touches BARACK at skip -1. Barack Obama allowed Newsweek Magazine to portray him as the first gay president.
Before continuing with the discussion of who I know that has been affected by UFOs, let me say that in reading the Code, it’s essential to know that the process is a full brain procedure. It’s important to use the left, logic half of the brain to do a statistical evaluation but it’s also important to use the right, more artistic, emotional hemisphere of the brain to appreciate how words are related.
While I doubt that aliens wrote the Torah Code, research by David M. Jacobs indicates that when aliens interact with abductees they use Mindscan as a staring procedure. In it an alien peers directly into an abductee's eyes from a distance of a few inches or less. The abductee cannot close his eyes or avert his own gaze. When asked what is happening in the abductee's mind during this procedure, the abductees report having a variety of emotional states and seeing images. The evidence suggests that the alien is neurologically engaging with the optic nerve and using it as a conduit through the brain and into other neural pathways. The alien can then generate whatever emotion or image that he wants the abductee to experience or see. In the world of Torah Codes matrices can have an emotional impact, and how words are strung together or stand out due to special case skips can have a visual impact.
On Figure 4 I sought a 13-letter ELS of HOSTILE ALIENS. I knew before looking that there would be pretty close to a 0% chance to find it as one continuous ELS because finds more than 10 letters are extremely rare, and the 7-letter word that Google Translates gave me for ALIENS had a relatively rare letter zayin in it. So I split the axis term into the 7-letter word for ALIENS and a 6-letter word that Google gave me for HOSTILE. I then asked CodeFinder to find the two words together in a box that had no more than 20 rows and 20 columns. When it did, I sought UFO and found that at skip -3 it shared a letter ayin with HOSTILE and it touched ALIENS. Since we are looking for information as to whether aliens are hostile or friendly, I sought the story of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. Of course, the beings who went to Sodom to investigate if the city should be destroyed are traditionally thought of as angels. But it is not uncommon to find people speculating as to whether they might be an alien landing party (who, of course, are working for God). In fact, the story of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah starts at Genesis 18:6 but at Genesis 19:13 on the matrix we find WE WILL DESTROY THIS PLACE. Whether angels or aliens, after the inhabitants sought to homosexually rape them (Genesis 19:5), the cities were destroyed. In Genesis 19:24 sulfur and fire out of heaven rained upon the cities. Take your pick, either angles don't like homosexual behavior, or aliens find it an impediment to creating useful offspring. HOMO/GAY is at the same skip as the axis term, ALIENS. HOMO/GAY also touches BARACK at skip -1. BARACK touches SCHUMER. There is also an ELS of NANCY (as in Pelosi) that touches BARACK.
While, as a Jew, I'm not about to claim that we are descended from aliens, it is noteworthy that these same angels or aliens that participated in the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah had also predicted that Sarah, Abraham's wife, would have a baby at the age of 90. What they promised seemed so ridiculous that she laughed out of disbelief when she heard it. It's almost enough to make us wonder if aliens, with their allegedly great interest in producing hybrids, could have intervened to facilitate the extraordinary pregnancy, but there is no DNA evidence that shows Jews are significantly different from other people. Our generally higher average IQs are likely products of our emphasis on education (we are 0.2% of the world's population, but we win 23% of all Nobel Prizes). However those of us who can't understand the many flaws of liberalism or socialism are proof that we can makes mistakes like anyone else. As to whether those mistakes are due to human error, or alien intervention, after watching Schumer and Pelosi give robotic performances in response to President Trump's first Oval Office speech, I'm not so sure that they haven't been abducted and implanted. Their faces and actions all through their presentations that night seemed totally unnatural. See Figure 4.
Throughout the current partial Government shutdown crisis in the U.S. Schumer's uncompromising position on the need for a physical barrier on the border has been absolutely out of synch with his position on the same issue from the time before Trump became President. After the House of Representatives voted in favor of a wall in December, 2018 (despite Pelosi's assertion that it couldn't pass there before the Democrats took over), Schumer said, "Everyone knew yesterday, long before the House vote, that the president's wall lacked 60 votes in the Senate. It has proven to lack even 50 votes. It will never pass the Senate. Not today, not next week, not next year. " But in 2006, 2009 and 2013 he voted in favor of 1,330 miles of border fencing. He also spoke against calling illegal immigrants "undocumented workers":
“Illegal immigration is wrong, plain and simple. Until the American people are convinced that we will stop future flows of illegal immigration we will make no progress on dealing with the millions of illegals who are here now,” Schumer said.
Schumer is likely just another lying politician who doesn't give a damn about 800,000 people thrown out of work. but Nancy Pelosi really shows that the Democrats are led by people that have about as much empathy for those suffering in the crisis as do lab workers dissecting rats. When asked by Savannah Guthrie about a possible compromise, the discussion went as follows:
"Are you willing to come up and give him some of this money for the wall?" -@SavannahGuthrie
"No." -@NancyPelosi
"Because apparently that's the sticking point." -Guthrie
"No, no. Nothing for the wall." -Pelosi
Schumer and Pelosi seem determined to overthrow the Trump White House. On January 14, 2019 the Democrats were talking about either subpoenaing the interpreter's notes or the interpreter from the meeting between Trump and Putin at Helsinki in 2018 and previous meetings. On this issue, I'm not sure if the President was ever given a brief about UFOs. But I'm pretty sure that if Putin and Russia were working with us to counter an alien threat, as is implied with the 1960 meeting on non-destructive testing that I mentioned earlier in this article (see Figures 3 to 5 in my Roswell article), then it would be critical for Putin to brief our President, who in large part due to the FBI, felt he couldn't trust anyone here. Since John Brennan, a guy who voted for a Communist for President in 1976, was Obama's CIA Director, even the CIA was suspect. The problem here is not a disloyal U.S. President. The problem is corruption throughout our intelligence agencies. The question is whether the corruption is due to greed, or something of alien design. Just how many Intel folks have been affected the way that CDR Scott Jones and the Canadian Minister of Defense were. For Intel readers - think about what I'm saying here when you discuss this article with your colleagues.
Backing my assertion about the true relation between U.S. and Russian space interests and what happened at Helsinki, other than the list of attendees in 1960 I can only offer for consideration some Torah Codes matrices. Two of them are given below as Figures 5 & 6. The others are in my article Did Trump and Putin Discuss Aliens at the Summit?
If we face the possibility of a future war with aliens we need to look at the President's request for a new military service to fight it- Space Force. The matrix that I found about it is given below as Figure 7.
Figures 5 and 6 - Two matrices that relate Trump to a verse that's often pointed to for alien issues. Figure 5 (top) ties Trump in with Putin at the same skip. Figure 6 under it has Helsinki as the axis term.
Figure 7 - SPACE FORCE is encoded with TRUMP, MARS and WAR. This matrix was found against odds of over 12 million to 1
FLASH OBSERVED BY CLARK MCCLELLAND. The controversial friend of ours mentioned earlier, Clark McClelland, witnessed a flash on Mars, via the 13 inch Fitz-Clark refractor telescope at the Allegheny Observatory back in 1954. He also sent us an article about Tsuneo Saheki of the Osaka Planetarium who was viewing a 5.3 inch disc of Mars through an 8 inch Newtonian telescope at 400 power (this article mentions Clark's observation too). Saheki too claimed to see a a very small, extremely bright spot appear at 2100 Universal time on December 8, 1951.
While Clark thought he was witnessing a volcanic eruption in 1954, such an event would probably not be bright enough to see through a telescope, but an impact would be - if the impact were on the side of Mars facing the Earth. If it were on the side facing away from Earth, then the incident would appear unexplained unless we had an orbiter at the right time and place. There is an alternate theory out there based on observations by Thomas A. Dobbins that what Clark and others (Saheki on July 1, 1954; Ichiro Tasaka on November 21, 1958; and Dobbins on June 7 and 8, 2001) have seen at Edom Promontorium was a reflection off ice, but it doesn't offer us an explanation of plumes seen at great altitudes. Clark argues for a volcanic eruption and against an asteroid impact because asteroids are not likely to hit the same spot repeatedly, but other areas have had similar flares too (Tithonius Lacas in 1951 and 1958, northeast of Solis Lacus in 1958, Northern Hellas in 1958; and the same times as for Edom Promontorium even though the two areas are not close). The dual flares at 13:35 and 13:50 Universal Time on November 21, 1958 at both Edom Promontorium and Northern Hellsas constitute the best evidence for an asteroid impact.
There was in Japan some speculation about a nuclear explosion or test on Mars as the U.S. had set off its biggest hydrogen bomb ever, a 15 megaton Bravo shot in the Castle series back in 1954. However, there is no public knowledge of an American (or Russian) rocket that could carry such a warhead at that time (unless we were using a reconstructed version of what supposedly crashed near Roswell in 1947). The world's first ICBM, the Russian R-7, did not fly until August 1957. The largest bomb anyone ever tested on Earth was the Tsar Bomba. That Russian blast on October 30, 1961, was equal to 58 megatons. It sent out a shock wave that circled the Earth 3 times. To watch the explosion click Tsar Bomba.
4. NASA has taken a very long time to explain lights seen on Ceres, which is a dwarf planet between Mars and Jupiter. I have an article about these lights on this site here. There is a more up to date article on my son's site here. Since NASA never seemed to describe what happened to the lights when our orbiter observed the area when it was night, we might have reason to suspect an alien base there.
Figure 8 - Rich Robson made a weird claim that he had been on an alien craft that went to BATTLE STATIONS out in the vicinity of Jupiter. Normally I would just write off such an assertion as madness, but Robson demonstated that he had an ability to do remote viewing that just about knocked my socks off.