Russia learns the cost of going to war against ISIS. Posted on 11/6/2015
Kogalymavia Flight 9268 was an international charted passenger flight operated by Russian airline Kogalymavia (branded as Metrojet), which crashed in northern Sinai on 31 October 2015 following departure from Sharm el-Sheikh International Airport, Egypt, en route to Saint Petersburg, Russia. On the matrix below the axis term is SHARM EL SHEIK as spelled in the Israeli newspaper HaAretz and in Wikipedia. In the next column to the right and at the same skip is TERRORIST. It takes only 18 letters to show SHARM EL SHEIK and TERRORIST. Odds against these terms being so close (without considering conflicting letters) are at least 2,822 to 1. On the full 828-letter matrix the additional significant a priori terms in the open text in descending order with odds against them were DESCENDED UPON IT (368 to 1), SINAI (12 to 1), SMOKE (9.5 t 1), and IN FIRE (4 to 1). The odds against finding TERRORIST at a special case skip (+/- 1 or the skip of the axis term) on the full matrix were about 46.5 to 1. RUSSIA and (5)776/2015 were not found at special case skips and were not statistically significant. Overall the odds against finding this matrix by chance were about 12,443,341 to 1. The matrix is thus judged to be highly significant although the statistical protocol does not take into consideration terms sought but not found. For example, I looked for Putin. I did not find him on the matrix displayed. I did find his name at a non-special case skip on a larger matrix, but it wasn't statistically worth expanding the matrix given to show it.