THE MAN MOST LIKELY TO KNOW THE TRUTH (Updated 11/3/2015 and again on 10/10/2021.)
One of the men most often mentioned as being at the center of the UFO controversy is Commander Cecil B. (Scott) Jones. Against odds of 6,221, ALIEN MAN appears in a 49-letter matrix with CECIL JONES. MARS (at skip -2) is also in the matrix. Scott and I have discussed the Buzz Aldrin revelation about an alien monolith on Phobos, a moon of Mars. But other than that, the only link between him and Mars, so far as I know, is only in that he has closely followed my son’s research which strongly implies that NASA has been wrong in asserting an atmospheric pressure there as low as 6.1 millibars.
In all my 63 years, the most intriguing person that I have not only met, but also developed a good friendship with is Commander Cecil B. (Scott) Jones. One of the many resumes that I found on-line about him is posted below. Scott was the top aid of Senator Claiborne Pell, Chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee. While serving in this capacity, Scott had a number of meetings with Chinese and Soviet Government personnel that related to their UFO research. Speculation about Scott is rampant on the Internet, with some people thinking that he is involved in or even behind the UFO cover up, while others buy into his overt efforts to have various governments prepare for an upcoming disclosure of the presence of aliens on Earth. Whatever the truth is, Scott is his nickname, but his first given name is Cecil. At the lowest ELS of CECIL JONES we see on both matrices above that his name is crossed in the open text by ALIEN MAN. The actual Hebrew word for ALIEN can also mean foreigner or stranger. The verse in question (Deuteronomy 17:15) commands Israelites to not set up an ALIEN MAN as our king. Rather we were asked to choose one of our brothers. In the 49 letters on first matrix we find CECIL JONES, ALIEN MAN, and MARS. The matrix must expand to 63 letters to show an ELS of UFO at skip 2. As the biography indicates, Scott has developed an interest in Nibiru. While he has yet to convince me that Nibiru constitutes real threat, if the matrix is expanded considerably, out to 860 letters, NIBIRU appears at skip -1. There is an ELS of UFO at the same skip as CECIL JONES near NIBIRU. Statistical significance of these terms are shown on the two spreadsheets. The phrase WINGED SWARMING THINGS was found a posteriori. While it might refer to UFOs, it was not be included in the probability calculation.
Please note that CECIL JONES is not the only axis term that matches well with ALIEN MAN. On my page entitled No Alien gods!, there is a close match of the axis term ROSWELL UFO with the same ALIEN MAN. An even better match appears of the latter matrix with BEFORE BAAL ZEPHON. Baal Zephon is where I think we will find the key to the Torah Code. Dr. Jones, based on the work of Michael Drosnin, once went on an expedition to Lisan, Jordan in pursuit of the Key to the Code. He did not find it there. I believe that the key will be found on the shallow Egyptian seafloor at an obstruction at 31 degrees 16 minutes North, 33 degrees 3.5 minutes West. See my pages on Baal Zephon to understand why.
First spreadsheet BELOW: Odds for the first (49-letter) matrix. The second spreadsheet below shows the odds for the larger 860-letter matrix.
Below: Dr. Jones poses with a Mark 7 nuclear bomb. This matrix includes another word for ALIEN that is at the same absolute skip as Cecil Jones, but which runs in the opposite direction.
Below: Spreadsheet used to calculate the odds for CECIL JONES to have key words ALIEN MAN, a second ALIEN, Mars and UFO in 192 letters with him.
Dr. Jones is closely associated with assertions about (an unproven) planet named NIBIRU although it only appears on the second matrix, which expands the first matrix to 860 letters. For reasons given in this Nibiru link, I have often tried to persuade Dr. Jones to narrow his focus to the UFO issues, but he has yet to agree to do so. On a parallel note, as the two spreadsheets show, when the matrix is expanded to include NIBIRU (and UFO at the same as CECIL JONES) we find that the overall statistical value of the matrix drops from 1 chance in 136,5775 to 1 chance in 122,995. With respect to the significance of the ALIEN MAN term, it drops from 1 chance in 6229 on the small matrix to 1 chance in 354 on the larger matrix.
The third matrix displayed above still has CECIL JONES as the axis term, with ALIEN MAN and MARS crossing it again. There is an ELS of UFO at skip 2, but what makes this matrix worth adding to the previous two is a new ELS of ALIEN that appears at the same absolute skip as CECIL JONES, but in the opposite direction. As NIBIRU was shown earlier to be not worth expansion of the matrix to see, the odds were just calculated for the 192 letters shown. The matrix had 1 chance in 1,376,018 to occur by chance. What does all this mean? Perhaps just that Cecil Jones had a fate to be involved with aliens and the accompanying controversy. Whatever the truth, the match of CECIL JONES with ALIEN MAN is about as good a match as is theoretically possible. It certainly has the appearance of an important message.
BIOGRAPHY OF CECIL B. (Scott) JONES CMDR USN (Ret.) taken from
Dr. Jones is founder and president of the Peace and Emergency Action Coalition for Earth. The principal function of P.E.A.C.E. is to oversee the development of the global Center for Sustainable Peace and Development system. Previous to this he was co-founder and president of the Human Potential Foundation. This was established in 1989, and conducted research into all conditions of humankind: physiological, psychological and spiritual, to assist the individual to achieve the highest levels of human potential in body, mind and spirit in order to compete and cooperate at personal excellence throughout life. Prior to this position he was Special Assistant to Senator Claiborne Pell from January 1985 until March 1991. Retiring as a Commander in the U.S. Navy, approximately half of his thirty-year naval career was spent in intelligence service overseas and in the United States. In post-navy careers he has taught at the university level and worked in the private sector research and development community involved in U.S. government sponsored projects for the Defense Nuclear Agency, Defense Intelligence Agency, U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command, and other organizations.
Intelligence Experience
As Assistant Naval Attaché and Naval Air Attaché to New Delhi, India and Katmandu, Nepal from January 1965 to June 1967, he was involved in intelligence collection and provided intelligence support to defense attachés throughout Southeast Asia, the Middle East and North Africa. This tour was followed by assignment to the Naval Scientific and Technical Intelligence Center where, as Head of the Missiles, Ordnance, and Astronautics Division, he directed the production of technical intelligence reports for the Navy and Defense Intelligence Agency at all classification levels. During this period he was Chairman of the Naval Missile Group, an interagency group that supported the Guided Missile and Astronautic Intelligence Committee. As Chief of the Navy’s Intelligence Anti-Ship Missile Task Force, he directed the effort that provided intelligence support for a critical anti-ship missile defense research and development effort. During this time he was a briefer to the President’s Scientific Advisory Committee, and testified before House and Senate committees and sub-committees of the Armed Services on technical naval intelligence.
Other intelligence assignments include three years as Chief of the Targets Development Branch in the Intelligence Directorate of Headquarters, U.S. European Command, and in intelligence related assignment in the National Military Command System Support Center.
Research Experience
Dr. Jones managed the Nuclear Test Personnel Review program under contract to the Defense Nuclear Agency. This program quantified the degree of radiological hazard incurred by Department of Defense personnel involved in atmospheric nuclear testing between 1946 and 1962. Extensive document search and retrieval from a large number of libraries, archives and record centers was involved. The recovered information and technical data was synthesized and converted into histories written for the layperson of each nuclear test operation.
He participated in contracts with the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) in a project instructing analysts in quantitative methodologies and in development of self-paced learning modules on various methodologies including Event Sequence Network Analysis and Interpretative Structural Modeling. Also for the DIA he was involved in the transfer of advanced quantitative methodological software technology from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency to DIA workspaces. For the U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command he participated in systems design for increasing ADP support.
Of particular significance for the establishment of the global network of regional Centers for Sustainable Peace and Development, was an assignment as Chief, Procedures Branch, Data Division, National Military Command System Support Center (NMCSSC) February 1961 to August 1963. In this assignment he directed and managed activities concerned with the research, analysis, collection, and evaluation of all operational inputs to NMCSSC systems and with the system design of a computer model for depicting the Status of Forces and the Monitoring of Operational Plans (SOFMOP). Additionally he designed and then developed the database in support of this system. The principal operational plan monitored by SOFMOP was the Single Integrated Operational Plan (SIOP). The SIOP was the U.S. strategic nuclear attack plan against the Soviet Union, the Warsaw Pact, and the Peoples Republic of China. In order to war game the SIOP, he then was assigned to research and build a database of real U.S. target counterparts to the SIOP target database. This database was used in gaming by a Red Single Integrated Operational Plan (RSIOP). The target category list was extensive, e.g., command and control, industries, communications, transportation, military establishments, ports and cities, etc. His final assignment following the success of the SOFMOP system and the RISOP database development was to assist in the design of the Technical Development Plan for the National Military Command System.
In a subsequent assignment, 1970-1972, to the Intelligence Directorate of the U.S. European Command (EUCOM), he was responsible for another complex computer system design. Based upon a target category weighting system he designed, this program selected potential tactical nuclear targets in countries of EUCOM interest, but not covered by NATO’s tactical nuclear war plan. All categories from the Target Data Inventory (TDI) were considered.
A South Asia area specialist, he has traveled extensively throughout the region. His dissertation was, “How the Indian Lok Sabha Handles Defense Matters: An Institutional Study.”
He has led research into applied anomalous phenomena. Networking with the parapsychological community, he has worked throughout the executive branch to address issues of government support for basic parapsychological research, and to consider implications and application of these phenomena.
In 1985, he founded and was president of the Center for Applied Anomalous Phenomena. This non-profit educational and scientific research organization was chartered to conduct research and analysis of anomalous phenomena, their implications and applications. Anomalous phenomena include exceptional human capabilities. This Center was transferred into the Human Potential Foundation.
In 1989, he and Senator Claiborne Pell co-founded the Human Potential Foundation that was involved in a number of research projects. These included a joint research effort with the Chinese Academy of Somatic Science in Beijing, in accelerated bone healing using qi gong; a sponsored symposium conducted by Russian medical scientists on psychoanalytical and psychocorrection computer technologies; a survey of attitudes of medical professionals toward death and the dying process and how these are translated into decisions about treatment of critical and terminal patients; the translation from Chinese of the book: Collected Works on Qi Gong Science.
Under the Center for Interspecies Communications, the Foundation conducted Projects Neptune Helper I and II, dolphin research with Atlantic Bottlenose and Spotted dolphins.
A major two-year program funded by Mr. Laurence Rockefeller began with meetings in the Clinton White House to encourage the administration to review the policy it inherited from previous administrations concerning secrecy about extraterrestrial contact with earth, and change the policy to more openness. The president discovered that he was not cleared for that program. Work with Mr. Rockefeller was completed with an international conference, When Cosmic Cultures Meet, in Washington, D.C. in May 1995. At the conference a wide spectrum of academic disciplines and interests assessed the implications, preparations and responses for the time when there is no ambiguity about the understanding that higher intelligences from cosmic cultures are meeting.
In November 1998, the Human Potential Foundation was dissolved and its principal undertaking, a global peace initiative, transferred to the newly established Peace and Emergency Action Coalition for Earth, Inc.
Teaching Experience
While in Germany on navy assignment, Dr. Jones taught political science in the University of Maryland overseas program at several Army posts from 1970 to 1972. His terminal naval assignment was at the University of Kansas as Associate Professor of Naval Science, 1973 to 1975. During this time he also taught undergraduate and graduate courses in the Department of Political Science. Retiring from the navy in 1975, he took a fulltime teaching position in political science at Casper College and the University of Wyoming at Casper from 1975 until 1978. In October 2000, he was a quest lecturer in the Peace Studies Program at the University of Missouri, Columbia, MO.
Ph.D., International Studies, American University, 1975. Dissertation: How the Indian Lok Sabha Handles Defense Matters - an Institutional Study
M.A., Government and Politics, University of Maryland, 1963. Thesis: -Mistreatment of Foreign Diplomats in the United States Since World War II.
A.B., Government, George Washington University, 1961
Selected Publications
Technical Memorandum, Warning in Korea: Event Indicator and Source Analysis. Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) (1978)
Self-Paced Learning Module: Event Sequence Networking, DIA/DE (1979)
Self-Paced Learning Module: Interpretive Structural Modeling (DIA/DE) (1979)
“Photographic Satellite Reconnaissance,” United States Naval Institute Proceedings, (June 1980)
CASTLE Series (1954), Defense Nuclear Agency (DNA) Technical Report (TR) 6035F (April 1982)
Operation ARGUS (1958), DNA TR 6039F (April 1982)
Operation REDWING (1956), DNA TR 6037 (August 1982)
Operation HARDTACK (1958), DNA TR 6038F (December 1982)
Operation IVY (1952), DNA TR 6036F (December 1982)
Operation DOMINIC (1962), DNA TR 6040F (February 1983)
Operation GREENHOUSE (1951), DNA TR 6034F (June 1983)
Operation SANDSTONE (1948), DNA TR 6033F (December 1983)
Operation CROSSROADS (1946), DNA TR 6032F (May 1984)
Proceedings: Symposium on Application of Anomalous Phenomena, KT-84-039 (R), Editor, August 1984
NEPTUNE HELPER: An Experiment in Inter-Species Communication and Intra-Species Non-communications. Center for Applied Anomalous Phenomena (February 1986)
Ethical and Legal Implications of Proven Survival. Center for Applied Anomalous Phenomena, October 1986. Professional paper delivered at the Conference on Religion and Psychic Research, Unification Theological Seminary, Barrytown, New York, October 1986.
Phoenix in the Labyrinth, Human Potential Foundation Press, 1995, Falls Church, VA.
Proceedings: When Cosmic Cultures Meet, (ed.), Human Potential Foundation Press, 1997, Falls Church, VA.
Lectures (Selected)
“Options for a Planet in Peril,” Extraterrestrial Civilizations and World Peace Conference, Big Island, Hawaii, June 11, 2006.
“Modern Challenges and Opportunities: UFOs, Religion and Exopolitics,” Gulf Breeze, FL, November 11, 2007.
“Plan C: Preparing for Disclosure,” X-Conference, Gaithersburg, MD, April 17-20, 2008.
Boards and Organizations
Peace and Emergency Action Coalition for Earth, Inc. (Kerrville, TX) Founder, President, Board member.
Wirkus Bioenergy Foundation (Bethesda, MD) board member.
The Peace and Justice Studies Association.
Society for Scientific Exploration.
Institute for Multi-Track Diplomacy
Current P.E.A.C.E. Inc Programs
The principal program of P.E.A.C.E. Inc is the establishment of a global system of university-based Centers for Sustainable Peace and Development. Over seven years of planning and consultation with academic, political, spiritual, military, intelligence and business leaders has lead to the current system design. In November 2002, the University of Jordan was the first school to adopt the Sustainable Peace and Development (SPD) program. Subsequently, Makerere University in Uganda, Dar es Salaam University, and the University of Missouri have become SPD hosts. In 2006, Plan C was added to the SPD program. It is designed to recruit global universities and Think Tanks to start a dialogue on the consequences to peace, stability and growth when full disclosure of ET/Earth contact is made.
A second program is a recommendation made to President Obama to establish a cabinet level Peace Advisor position, and to encourage his global counterparts to do the same.
A third program is draft legislation for a federally funded international scholarship program to establish a Professional Peaceworker Corps.
A fourth program is a proposed Constitutional amendment that would additionally designate the President “the principal Peace Maker of the United States.” This would provide a legal basis for the institutionalization of peace in the United States by the establishment of a Department of Peace.
DISCLAIMER AND COMMENTS BY BARRY S. ROFFMAN: Before continuing to quote the article above about Dr. Jones, I want to make clear that I do not endorse his fears about Nibiru.
The Anunnaki that he writes about are the Annakim or Nephilim in the Torah. His belief in them appears to be more justfied. In Genesis 6:4 the Nephilim are mentioned. These giants "consorted with the daughters of man." It may be that the sexual abuse reported by female abductees is a modern continuation of what Genesis 6:4 reported. Deuteronomy 1:28 mentions not only the Annakim, but also cities that were fortified to the heavens. If the race of giants were indeed extraterrestrial aliens, this last remark may be literally true. For the story of a credible NASA witness to a tall ET, see my page on Clark McClelland. Clark's web site is at
THE REALITY. For sixty-years a counterintelligence program has successfully run against the U.S. public to disinform and mystify the subject of UFOs and Extraterrestrial contact with earth. The SETI program has unwittingly aided that effort. There is absolutely no ambiguity about the reality of Extraterrestrial contact with the world, and its ancient roots are documented by hard archeological evidence. There is more than one disclosure strategy currently underway, and one very likely includes a threat spin designed to favor the military-industrial-congressional complex in the United States. This is certainly detrimental to the country and the world. Other countries are weary of waiting and suspicious of U.S. intentions. An intelligently coordinated disclosure based upon an open dialogue is the path to take.
Without a mature dialogue on the subject prior to formal acknowledgement of disclosure, avoidable fear, chaos and violence will occur. Even with the dialogue, we will be in for some dicey times, as the return of Nibiru, Planet X, in this century must be addressed during disclosure. Planet X was rediscovered by the IRAS, NASA Dutch Infrared Imaging Satellite in ’83 and also covered up.
To be complete and as constructively beneficial as possible to the planet, disclosure must include both acknowledgement of the general alien contact phenomenon and our own part alien history. This is a third, mature and robust paradigm which is also being suppressed.
ACADEME Students: Show this to your teachers and professors, talk about it – get into the game – this is the big one – speak up for your future.
Teachers and Professors: It is not too late to learn about what has been deliberately hidden and lied about. No security clearances needed, but courage is required.
Academic Presidents, Provosts, Deans and Principals: Time to stand up and meet the challenges of a fearless academic community pledged to seek the truth and talk about a future with extraordinary opportunities and challenges. You have the primary responsibility to prepare the global population of what disclosure of contact will mean.
RELIGIONS Quickly learn about our ancient Anunnaki extraterrestrial past, and the gods that came down. The Vatican has taken a public lead on how they intend to survive disclosure. It has officially stated, “The aliens are our brothers.”
Other religions have different opinions. Some evangelical Christians have stated that the aliens are the fallen angels. Whatever you think, believe, hope, or fear is going to be faced with a new reality. It's time to be talking about this.
NOTE BY BARRY S. ROFFMAN: Before continuing to quote the article above, I want to make three things clear about the Vatican.
(1) The fact that it issued statements about the aliens being our brothers, and possibly free of original sin, likely means that the Vatican has hard proof that the aliens are here.
(2)The Vatican entered into a Concordat with the Hitler Government. Now it spends much of its time defending homosexual pedophiles or paying off huge law suits that resulted from their immoral actions. As such, the last place that people should turn for comfort with respect to alien intentions is the Vatican. While there are many hundreds of millions of law abiding, honest and very decent Catholics in this world, the Vatican is at the root of much of the evil in this world. It may not be directly behind suicide bombers like those inspired by Fundamental Islam, but if the Catholic Church had not been behind the Crusades against Islam, we might well find a much friendlier version of Islam in the world today. Indeed, the so called Golden Age of Judaism existed in Spain when Jews and Muslims got along just fine until the Inquisition did a lot more damage to Islam's perception of the non-Muslim world.
(3) A common thread that runs through all accounts of alien abduction seems to be sexual abuse or outright torture followed by memory loss. For those who think the aliens are here to help humanity let them cite one disaster prevented relieved by their efforts. In my review of Paul Potter's book I note the extraordinary respect he shows alien scientists, but also the description of "royal treatment" by his key witness (Betty Luca/Andreasson) whereby her eyes were pulled out of their sockets and something was screwed into her brain. Aliens should be viewed as a distinct threat until proven otherwise.
MILITARY AND INTELLIGENCE First of all, complete explanations and justice is due to the citizens abducted as part of the covert counterintelligence program. Amnesty must be considered for the sake of full, free information release and flow. No claims of security can trump the demands of justice. In support of the new reality you are needed, but in ways vastly transformed from the historical record of your violent and clandestine service. It will take highly disciplined work in difficult places to reverse the damage that unchecked avarice has done to the Earth. Increasing numbers of humanitarian undertakings will also be required because of the consequences of global warming and higher incidents of violent weather. Returning military from these missions will feel the pride of service to humanity, and this will be one key for admission into the Cosmic Community.
The technical and human capability of the intelligence community will be turned from threat assessments to a new genre – opportunity assessments. These completely unclassified, sources identified, assessments will identify developing opportunities for reconstruction and stabilization of civilization.
GOVERNMENTS AND THE UNITED NATIONS. All governments with proof in hand; hold back on the formal acknowledgement of disclosure of sixty-plus years of Earth and Extraterrestrial contact. To minimize fear, chaos and possible violence we need at least six-months of mature dialogue about what disclosure will mean to each country and culture. U.S., Russia, clued country members of the European Space Agency, China, Japan and India, and close allies of this list who have been informed of what your photo satellites orbiting the moon have revealed on the backside of that orb; don’t talk about the ET structures there. That will be appropriate later. All third world countries; get involved. Briefings are available to assist you in gaining a voice to avoid a round of techno-colonialism. If any country deserves a boost from cultures thousands of years more technologically advanced than Earth, it is you. But you must come to the table with knowledge about what to expect.
United Nations, if Earth can prove that it deserves to be invited to join the Cosmic Community, the Nation State system will have undoubtedly undergone a great transformation, and so will have you. To gain admittance into the Cosmic Community, Earth will have to be free of all weapons of mass destruction, and institutional violence ended. Can you keep your plans a secret until after the dialogue has taken place?
Disagreement by Barry S. Roffman: Scott and I have often debated the issue of disarmament. Whereas the majority of claims of abduction by aliens seem to involve sexual abuse, torture, or at a minimum memory loss, I believe it would be fatal mistake to disarm our world anytime in the foreseeable future. This doesn’t mean that I’m in favor of business as usual with respect to warfare and killing on Earth. Like all Orthodox Jews, I long for a legitimate Messiah who will end war permanently. Please note the verse going through the name of Cecil Jones. It tells us to not set up an alien as King over us. The human (a Jew descended from the House of David) who ends war permanently (not for just 3.5 years as with the legendary antichrist of Christianity) will be that Messiah.
P . E . A . C . E . I n c . designs peace and conflict avoidance research and application programs for colleges and universities. Herbert Spencer nailed it when he said , “The great aim of education is not knowledge but action. ” The issues above are a huge challenge and opportunity for preemptive peace work and conflict avoidance. Our think tank, Cosmic Humanity, focuses 140 years of cumulative intense research, study, participation and experience on illuminating the leading edge of our species development and evolutionary trajectory. We really need to get a dialogue going on the subject before disclosure with a threat spin captures the headlines. Countries, communities, Think Tanks, colleges and universities desiring an extensive briefing on the ancient and modern history of this vital subject, and to engage in a conversation about what disclosure will mean to you and the world contact:
Peace & Emergency Action Coalition for Earth (P.E.A.C.E. Inc.)
C. B. Scott Jones, Ph.D., President:
P.O. Box 290707
Kerrville, TX 78029-0707
(830) 895-0770
FAX (830) 895-0771
Robert Durant wrote a paper entitled WILL THE REAL SCOTT JONES PLEASE STAND UP? This was the first link that I supplied about controversy above. The paper, though dated February 20, 1992, is well worth the time required to read it. However two items in particular stood out as I reread it tonight (March 30, 2011):
(1) At one point Durant states that “Among some of the New Agers who have been in Scott's company, he has acquired a reputation for having an extraordinary memory. It is said that he can uncannily repeat, word for word, conversations that took place long before. This is done without the benefit of notes or a tape recorder, and is said to occur in instances where witnesses to the conversation thought he wasn't even paying attention.” When I called Scott on March 29, 2011, I noted (as I had in past calls) that there was a playback for my voice. We joked about Uncle Sam listening in, but I had to immediately call him back to clear out the echo. In the past he suggested that this problem might be on my end in the Government might be interested in me, but this time he admitted that other people had the same complaint when they called him. While I get a similar feedback when I call my sister, it only happens if she is speaking while wearing a headset. However, perhaps Scott has a recorder on his end to help ensure a perfect memory. Whatever the truth is, I always assume that Uncle Sam is recording every single word that Scott and I say when we speak. He says that he assumes likewise.
(2) Durant writes that, “Scott rarely puts anything on paper, preferring instead to work behind the scenes, keeping in touch via telephone or personal visit. He attends most conferences of note, and goes to great lengths, in the literal geographical sense, to meet not only researchers but important witnesses…. But unlike so many others in ufology who rush to the typewriter to broadcast their opinions, Scott keeps his own quiet counsel. Thus he provides us all with an uplifting example of humility.” I fully concur about Scott’s humility. As for meeting with researchers, in 2007 I spent two days as his guest in his Texas home. I often strongly challenge him (as with his Nibiru beliefs that might simply be out there to keep researchers from taking him too seriously). But he always remains extremely friendly and open minded. He is, in every way that I have seen, one of the most humble men that I have ever met. He has also served as a terrific mentor for my son.
For my review of Scott's latest book about extraterrestrials see VOICES FROM THE COSMOS.
For an additional look at Scott's extraordinary life, see my page on TELEPORTATION.
For a discussion about Reptilians alien mentioned in Voices from the Cosmos, see Is Obama only a Kenyan-born Muslim, or a Reptilian Alien?
UPDATE ON SCOTT FOR OCTOBER 10, 2021. It's been over a year since I spoke to Scott last. Yesterday 90 people read this article or at least the 2015 version of it. Today there were at least 22 more hits so I called him to see if he is still alive. He is indeed, but his memory is in very bad shape (as is his hearing). What I heard today that's important to know is that:
(1) Scott's papers are open to the public at the University of Colorado.
(2) He still claims to be in communication with aliens, but desite promises heard from them they never fulfill their promises to restore memories of when they abducted him.
(3) Scott asked me to write to him to give him all my contact information. In return he promises to give me the name of the alien group that he is hearing from.